Change the location of drools guvnor repository - Java @ Desk

Friday, May 17, 2013

Change the location of drools guvnor repository

To change the location, unzip the Guvnor WAR file, and locate the components.xml file in the WEB-INF directory. This is a JBoss Seam configuration file (Seam 2 is the framework used) which allows various parts of the system to be customized. When you have located the components.xml file, you should see something like the following:

<!-- <key></key><value>/opt/yourpath</value> -->

Find the component with a name of repositoryConfiguration and its section for JackRabbit configuration, then the key property with the name of If you un-comment this key element (as in the example above it is commented out), you can set whatever file-system path you need for the repository data to be stored in. You can also use this to move the repository around. In that case, when you have set the location in the components.xml you can simply move the repository.xml AND the repository directory to the new location that you set in the components.xml. If there is no repository.xml configuration file, or the repository directory at the location specified (or in the default location) then Guvnor will create new empty ones.

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